Hill CHPS promotes healthy November

  • Published
  • By Hill Civilian Helath Promotion Services

HILL AIR FORCE BASE – Health information is easy to find, but knowing whether that information is reliable can be hard. Civilian Health Promotion Services website, USAFwellness.com, is a free resource for DAF Civilian employees to aid in providing health information you can trust.

One example is our Interactive Learning Program where you can select from a variety of topics such as: Diabetes Management, Heart Health, Tobacco Free, Weight Management, Financial Wellness, and Managing Stress.

  • Select an Interactive Learning Program.
  • Click on any of the topics to sign up and begin the course.
  • Each course includes related pursuits and educational units.

Visit USAFwellness.com for unlimited access to health resources, tracking tools, and our events calendar.

Join CHPS in November for wellness and in-body blood pressure screenings. You can also still enroll in the Go the Extra Mile wellness challenge.

Wellness Screenings
Nov. 1 from 7 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC
Nov. 4 from 11 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC
Nov. 12 from 7- 9 a.m. in building 510 Conference Room
Nov. 15 from 7 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC
Nov. 18 from 7 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC
Nov. 22 from 7 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC
Nov. 25 from 7 am-2 p.m. in building 533 HAWC

InBody/Blood Pressure Screenings
Nov. 4 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in building 843 Lean Conference Room
Nov. 5 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in building 1205 Main Conference Room
Nov. 5 from 11 a.m.-noon in building 100 SW Conference Room
Nov. 7 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in building 593 75th CEG Conference Room
Nov. 12 from 11 a.m.-noon in building 1515 Area 1515
Nov. 14 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. 847 Large Conference Room
Nov. 19 from 11:30 a.m.-noon in building 849 Executive Conference Room
Nov. 26 from 11a.m.-noon in building 1515 Snow Conference Room
Nov. 27 from 10-11 a.m. in building 1513 Conference Room 101A

Skin Analysis Screenings
Available at CHPS Office Wellness Screenings – Bldg.533 HAWC

For more information or to schedule a wellness screening or health education class in your location, contact CHPS Coordinator Shaunee Coleman at 801-586-9586 or email shaunee.l.coleman.ctr@health.mil.