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  • Health Promotion

    Hill Air Force Base Health Promotion(801)777-1215DSN: 777-1215FAX:  (801) 777-5762Events CalendarTOBACCO  CESSATION ProgramTobacco Cessation Class:  Quitting tobacco is the best gift you can give to yourself and to those who love you.  The tobacco cessation class uses the American Cancer Society's

  • Hill AFB Foundations Courses for 2025

    In 2025, Hill AFB will be offering NCO Foundations Courses 300, 500, and 700, designed to provide foundational and leadership skills for airmen at various stages in their careers. These courses are part of the new Enlisted Airmanship Continuum and will become mandatory prerequisites for Professional

  • Hill AFB Sequestration & Furlough FAQs

    The following guidance on sequestration and administrative furloughs is provided for managers, supervisors and employees. Questions and answers are generally specific to Hill Air Force Base and will be updated as needed. For the latest Hill news and information, visit

  • Hill Field Chapel and Memorial Park

    Overlooking the northwest entrance to Hill Air Force Base, the original base chapel building is the centerpiece of Hill Aerospace Museum's Memorial Park. This beautiful Chapel and surrounding park are dedicated to the memory of the men and women of the United States military who served our country

  • History of the U.S. Air Force Song

    History of the United States Air Force Song Compiled by MSgt Peter D. Forman USAF Heritage of America Band In 1938, Liberty magazine sponsored a contest for a spirited, enduring musical composition to become the official Army Air Corps song. Of 757 scores submitted, the one composed by Robert