80th Anniversary


80th Anniversary Articles

  • 1960s: Modification of B-26s to the Counter Invader

    Hill AFB enjoyed a long relationship with the Douglas A-26 Invader (B-26 after 1949, not to be confused with the Martin B-26 Marauder – which was built and flown at the same time). Built by the Douglas Aircraft Company during World War II, the twin-engined light bomber proved itself invaluable for

  • 1960s: Minuteman ICBM mission arrives at Hill AFB

    The year 1960 opened a decade of unprecedented technological competition. This is no light statement considering the advancements made in the previous decade, during which the U.S. Air Force transitioned to jet engines and began the development of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs).

  • Hill AFB and the emergence of the jet age

    During the early years of the 1950s, the Ogden Air Materiel Area continued its involvement with propeller-driven aircraft – primarily the B-26 and B-29. This soon changed. By the end of 1953 Hill AFB became accustomed to the whine of jet engines.

  • 1955: Former Ogden Arsenal, Hill AFB’s ‘West Area’

    At the same time Hill AFB worked to begin construction of its 13,500-foot runway in April 1955, the installation managed the acquisition of the land and facilities to its west which formerly comprised the U.S. Army’s Ogden Arsenal – almost doubling the size of Hill AFB. The U.S. Army established the

  • Early contributions of women at Hill AFB

    Women have contributed immeasurably to operations at Hill Air Force Base in many capacities since its origin as a military installation. During the Second World War and Korean War these included roles typically held by men, ranging from munitions handling to aircraft maintenance. It also included

  • 1950s: Hill constructs new $3.5 million runway

    When the U.S. Army established Hill Field and built its four 7,500 by 150 foot runways in 1940, the installation constructed the once-impressive runway system according to known requirements at the time. These runways fulfilled mission needs during the Second World War. As the war drew to a close,

  • Modification of B-29s for War in Korea

    The surprise invasion of the Republic of Korea (also known as South Korea) by the armies of Communist-ruled North Korea on June 25, 1950 gave the Ogden Air Materiel Area an emergency opportunity to once again provide superb logistical support to a war effort five years following the conclusion of

80th Anniversary Video
