• Volunteers needed to assist with Combined Federal Campaign

    The CFC at Hill Air Force Base will run Nov. 4 through Dec. 15. Volunteers are needed to fill committees and be points of contact for each organization at Hill AFB. These members will be the coordinators in units for those who want to give.

  • CFC kicks off

    The 2017 Combined Federal Campaign is off and running!

  • CFC season is here, museum to host kick-off event Sept. 28

    The 2017 Combined Federal Campaign is off and running in the intermountain area. The CFC, which runs Oct. 2, 2017, through Jan. 12, 2018, is an annual workplace charity campaign. This year, Team Hill is kicking off the campaign at the Hill Aerospace Museum Sept. 28 at 11 a.m.

  • CFC improves lives of thousands

    The giving season is ensuing on base with the Combined Federal Campaign in hopes of reaching their donation goal of $500,000 by Dec. 15. “This is really a time of giving as we celebrate the holidays,” said CFC Chairman Cathy Barker, encouraging all Department of Defense employees to give what they

  • Popular social media trend may violate DOD regulations

    A young woman paced herself as she ran around her neighborhood, her breath visible as the brisk morning air cycled through her lungs, the wind blowing her hair back, and her cheeks stinging from the elements. She dodged people walking their dogs, trash cans left out for pickup, and finally reached a