Feb. 19, 2023 New Employee Enhancement Program is open to Team Hill civilian employees Beginning March 1, a new professional development program will be offered to Team Hill civilians.
Feb. 15, 2023 Air Force Time Based Prevention Program utilizes free cable gun locks The single leading cause of death in the U.S. Air Force is suicide. More Airmen died by suicide in 2019 than had been killed in combat operations during America’s longest war in Afghanistan. In 2019, 134 uniformed Airmen and Air Force civilian employees died by suicide, representing a 33% increase
Feb. 1, 2023 Air Force first responders work emergency best practices Fire, safety and program representatives recently gathered at Hill Air Force Base to take part in an emergency response working group to establish emergency engine shutdown and aircrew extraction best practices specific to F-35 aircraft.
Nov. 9, 2022 Operation Warm Heart donates holiday meals to military families Operation Warm Heart is working with the Hill Commissary of Team Hill’s military families have a happy Thanksgiving.
Oct. 14, 2022 Fire Prevention Week outreach (At left) Chris Espinoza, F-16 System Program Office, and his wife Lora visit with Bryan Griffiths, 775th Civil Engineer Squadron fire Inspector, at a display booth in the Exchange parking lot Oct. 13, 2022, at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Sept. 8, 2022 Volunteers contribute greatly to the success of Hill AFB’s rock festival Volunteer military and civilian Airmen from across the base answered the 75th Force Support Squadron’s call last month by providing support and assistance at this year’s rock festival concert here.