• F-15 becomes golden eagle assisted by Hill’s CMXG

    Taking to the skies 50 years ago, the F-15 Eagle can now be called a Golden Eagle and the Ogden Air Logistics Complex’s 309th Commodities Maintenance Group continues to play a significant role in keeping it soaring.The men and women of the 309th CMXG technical repair center for landing gear, wheels,

  • 309th MXSG welcomes new director

    The 309th Maintenance Support Group hosted a change of leadership ceremony March 11, welcoming Harry Briesmaster as its new director.

  • Ogden ALC gathers for annual car show and picnic

    Earlier this week, the Ogden Air Logistics Complex held its 13th Annual Picnic with an outstanding display of cars, trucks, and motorcycles as well as a vintage camp trailer and two vintage farm tractors. Employees with vehicles of all shapes and sizes took over the base’s Centennial Park Aug. 31 to

  • Kirkland makes farewell visit to Hill

    Lt. Gen. Gene Kirkland, Air Force Sustainment Center commander, thanked members of the 75th Air Base Wing and Ogden Air Logistics Complex during a visit here July 13-15.