• New initiative to assist wage-grade workforce chart a career course

    The path to promotion for Air Force Sustainment Center wage-grade personnel will become clearer in the coming weeks thanks to an initiative designed to inform and educate the workforce on their options.A team composed of workforce development, training, and personnel specialists is building an

  • Veterans Day message from the commander

    Veterans Day is a time to honor American veterans of all wars. Originally known as Armistice Day to commemorate the signing of the armistice that ended World War I, it wasn’t until 1954 that the holiday became Veterans Day.From those who made daily sacrifices to those who fought and died, the men

  • AFSC’s top leaders visit Hill Air Force Base

    Lt. Gen. Gene Kirkland, Air Force Sustainment Center commander, and Chief Master Sgt. David Flosi, AFSC command chief master sergeant, visited Hill Air Force Base Sept. 21-23 to see Team Hill operations and to spend time with the base’s Airmen.

  • Labor Day Message to the Workforce

    Monday, we will celebrate Labor Day, a day to recognize you—the Air Force Sustainment Center workforce and its faithful work throughout the year. 2020 has tested us all, but your dedication and patriotism have shown through as you’ve fought through uncertainties and continued to meet mission

  • Tinker units collaborate, produce first 3-D printed engine component

    Members of the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex, an Air Force Sustainment Center wing, have produced the first additively manufactured metal component successfully tested on a U.S. Air Force aircraft engine, a significant milestone for future sustainment of aircraft like the E-3 Airborne Warning