How Enhanced Use Lease will benefit YOU

  • Published
  • By Darrin Wray
  • EUL office
The Falcon Hill National Aerospace Research Park was developed under the federal government's Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) program that allows private entities to lease under-utilized military land. While the Air Force still owns the land, the developer will own the facilities it builds. As a part of the agreement, private contractors and firms get access to new buildings near or on the base, and Hill Air Force Base receives as "payment in-kind," construction of new facilities. The project goal is to construct new buildings to replace "1200 series" buildings originally constructed as World War II-era warehouses and currently used as administrative offices. This development sets in motion the momentum to attract aerospace industry tenants from around the globe.

Air Force and Hill AFB benefits
  • The ability of the Air Force to realize untapped value for its real property holdings as payment in-kind provides Air Force leadership a tool to make the most effective and efficient use of its resources.
  • The project promotes "cost avoidance to the taxpayer" by utilizing payment in-kind consideration instead of appropriated funds for necessary replacement of deteriorating buildings and infrastructure.
  • Air Force program efficiency is enhanced by consolidating the workforce which in turn improves morale by providing co-worker accessibility and better work facilities.
  • The Falcon Hill project will facilitate mission growth for the installation by providing future capacity opportunities or could be applied to over $300 million in unfunded facility requirements on base.
  Hill AFB workers benefits

  • The Hill AFB workforce will directly benefit from the Falcon Hill project by the replacement of 1.5 million square feet of aging office space with new modern facilities.
  • Employees need a safe and secure workspace that provides appropriate "quality of life." This includes issues such as adequate heating, air conditioning, parking and other amenities. The 1100 and 1200 blocks' buildings are more than 50 years old and are in substandard condition. Building mechanical systems and components are inefficient, unreliable, and construction SClBmaterials are failing.
  • The Air Force believes that improved conditions resulting from new Air Force buildings will significantly improve morale and welfare. Improved employee morale and welfare will have a positive impact on productivity and mission effectiveness.
  • Additionally, because many directorates have staff members and contractors in multiple buildings, the travel time between buildings, in some cases both on and off the base, has increased work hours and decreased productivity. If these various organizations are able to co-locate it will improve efficiencies and reduce travel-related work time.

Community benefits
  • Nearby cities and counties will enjoy long-term continual economic development and a projected creation of more than 15,000 jobs in Northern Utah. The construction of the first 180 acres alone will infuse another half-billion dollars into the Utah economy with a demand for additional office space, for additional services, retail, housing, and a higher demand for universities to train local residents for these higher than average paying jobs. In addition, construction employment and long-term aerospace-related jobs will be generated.
  • The affected four local communities (Clearfield, Sunset, Roy and Riverdale) are entitled to property tax on the improvements (on the commercially developed areas) and sales tax on retail sales in those commercial parts of the development.

For more in-depth information with continuous updates please visit and click on the Falcon Hill link or reference the Hill Top Times under the Falcon Hill Corner.