HILL AIR FORCE BASE – Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon crossings, with a crossing sign, arrow indicator and rectangular-shaped beacons that contain flashing LED lights, have been installed at several high-risk crossings on Hill Air Force Base.
These lights draw attention to pedestrian crossings and alert approaching drivers that someone is either entering or traversing a pedestrian crossing.
The lights flash with an irregular pattern and only function when activated by a user.
The many safety benefits include increased pedestrian visibility, clear communication to drivers and improved “yield to pedestrian” compliance.
Through the proper installation and use of these devices, driver yield compliance is increased by up to 98% and pedestrian crash reduction is 47%.
RRBF’s are inexpensive when compared to other crossing assistance devices and can be solar powered, allowing the ability for installation at almost any location.
Using an RRFB is simple: push the button to active the warning signal, look both ways and determine if it’s safe to enter the crosswalk. Be that drivers are yielding prior to entering the crosswalk.
Drivers have a responsibility to respond to flashing beacons and yield to a pedestrian in the crosswalk, but pedestrians still have a responsibility to ensure traffic is stopped.
Drivers may proceed with caution after the pedestrian has completed the crossing.
RRFBs are reserved for the most critical pedestrian safety areas as overuse will diminish their impact.
The 75th ABW Safety Office highly recommends that you use RRFBs whenever crossing at a location where they are installed. They have dramatically decreased the frequency of near-misses at our highest-risk crossings.
Pedestrians and motorists can do their part to continue this trend by understanding the benefits, use and limitations of these devices. Please present any questions, comments or suggestions with the 75th ABW Safety office at 777-SAFE (7233).