• Flu vaccination schedule for military members

    Flu vaccination lines for Hill’s military members will be held Oct. 18-21 at the Ambulance Bay located in the 75th Medical Group (building 570) main clinic. Both scheduled appointments and walk-ins will be accepted, but scheduled appointments will have priority.

  • Preventing seasonal flu

    The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs.

  • Hill offers one last flu clinic

    The Davis County Health Department, in cooperation with the 75th Medical Group, will offer flu shots, mist, and Pneumonia and TDAP vaccinations to civilian federal service employees, contractors and all Tricare beneficiaries at from 3-5 p.m. Nov. 27 at Fellowship Hall located in the Hill Chapel.

  • What’s new with the flu?

    Flu season is rapidly approaching here in Utah, and one of Utah’s largest single-site employer is encouraging all employees and on base personnel to get the flu shot.

  • Vaccination health clinics available on Hill AFB

    The U.S. and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere are bracing for a potentially severe flu season. In general, flu season in the U.S. begins in October and tapers off in May. In the Southern Hemisphere, flu season is well under way. Australia has reported seeing two and a half times more infections