Nov. 24, 2020 CSAF General Brown moves visit with Hill AFB Airmen online Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., told Hill Airmen in a virtual meeting that he wants them to voice their opinions and said he wants leaders to encourage the sharing of good ideas by asking the right questions in meetings. The general and his wife, Sharene, met with Airmen this
May 31, 2019 Bunch takes command Amidst a sea of aviation history, Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr. assumed leadership of the Air Force Materiel Command during a ceremony at the National Museum of the Air Force here, May 31.
May 31, 2019 Secretary, chief of staff initiate dialogue with commanders on a plan for new officer promotion categories The memo explains the proposed change and directs commanders to solicit and provide feedback from officers to major command commanders by July 31, with “a final recommendation due to the secretary and chief not later than 30 August 2019.”
Jan. 10, 2017 AF evolves policies to access more talent, maintain high standards The Air Force announced new policies on dress and appearance with regard to tattoos, as well as changes to service medical accession policy Jan. 9.