WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The Air Force Materiel Command’s AFMC We Need team will travel to operating locations across the command footprint to conduct in-person focus groups beginning July 22. The team will travel to Hill Air Force Base to host focus groups July 30-Aug. 1.
The AFMC We Need enterprise-wide initiative, launched in late June, seeks inputs and recommendations from AFMC civilian and military Airmen that can help posture the command to best support the National Defense Strategy today and in the decades to come.
“We’re nearing the end of phase one of the initiative, which centered on AFMC headquarters and the launch of the online feedback questionnaire. To date we’ve received nearly 2,000 responses and have started the process of analyzing the data to identify trends,” said Col. Patrick McDonnell, AFMC We Need operational team lead. “Phase two will focus on gathering data from our center and wing personnel. The online questionnaire will remain open for inputs through mid-August.”
Select personnel from across the command will travel to AFMC headquarters for training and to support focus groups at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, July 15-19. Across the command, focus groups will also be held at Eglin AFB, Warner-Robins Air Logistics Center, Kirtland AFB, Hanscom AFB, Gunter-Maxwell AFB and Holloman AFB, July 22-26; Edwards AFB and Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, July 30-Aug. 1; and Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Tinker AFB and Scott AFB, Aug. 6-8.
Leadership at each AFMC location has identified individuals to participate in the focus group events. Select AFMC and Air Force leaders will also take part in one-on-one interviews. All AFMC Airmen have the opportunity to provide recommendations and inputs through the online questionnaire.
“This is an opportunity for everyone to participate and help shape our command for the future. We strongly encourage everyone to contribute, either online or in person, should the opportunity arise,” said McDonnell.
The AFMC We Need initiative aims to highlight opportunities and challenges across the mission footprint, from research and development to test and evaluation, acquisition, sustainment and installation and mission support. At the end of the study, a series of recommendations will be provided to AFMC leadership for review and potential action.
To learn more about the AFMC We Need study and how to participate, visit the AFMC We Need website at https://www.afmc.af.mil/About-Us/AFMCweNeed. The questionnaire is available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AFMCWeNeed. Study updates will be posted to the website and across AFMC social media channels as they become available.