The 309th Maintenance Support Group (MXSG) is integral to ensuring proper maintenance and upgrade to our facilities with the use of infrastructure engineering. The Group supports its OO-ALC and Hill Air Force Base customers through nondestructive inspections, direct paint, and blast operations as well as indirect project, industrial plant maintenance and physical lab services. MXSG performs over 700 engineering projects a year and more than 65,000 preventative maintenance actions per year.

Plant Services manages the sustainment of over 16,000 ALC assets including support and depot industrial plant equipment and non-real property facility items, directly enabling the Complex to produce critical aircraft, missiles, commodities, and related components to warfighters

Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) and Paint and Blast provides back shop support across OO-ALC for corrosion control coating removal and application, and nondestructive inspection. The Paint and Blast Flight removes corrosion control coatings preparing components for the depot maintenance process, and reapplies new coatings when maintenance is complete. The NDI Flight performs inspections using seven different inspection methods as defined by NAS-410.
Maintenance Support provides accredited chemical, hazardous waste, physical science laboratory services, material failure analysis, NDI-III training expertise, and calibration support to our Production Group customers. We also support Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and Air Force managed parts with First Article Testing ensuring aerospace components are ready for world-wide use. Our 3D printing capabilities provides printing and fabrication support to mitigate tools and part constraints, increase capacity and realize production savings across Hill AFB.

Production Support supplies all tooling needs and Tool Crib support for Complex employees and provides Point of Use (POU) automated vending support. The POU support encompasses the automated vending of Industrial Prime Vending materials (Bench Stock), Consumables, E-Tools (Electronic Tech Data) and various other miscellaneous automated vending opportunities.