Operating status

In the event of delays or closures due to inclement weather or other emergencies, information about Hill AFB's operating status will be released when the status changes from "Open."

The primary method of communicating these changes is through the Base AtHoc Notification System.  To ensure you are signed up for AtHoc notifications, right click the purple planet icon at the bottom right of your computer and click on Access Self-Service. Update your information with a cell number and enable notifications. 

75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs will also communicate changes at the Hill AFB Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/hillairforcebase) and Twitter profile (http://www.twitter.com/HAFB). The Team Hill community is highly encouraged to check these sources first. You may also get popup notifications on your phone through the AF Connect mobile phone app.  For more information on how to access the app, visit https://www.hill.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1818076/af-connect-updates-enhance-features-for-hill-users/.  Ensure that push notifications are enabled for this app. 

The installation commander is the approval authority for base operating procedures in the event of inclement weather. Military members and civilians with questions on base operating procedures, or their personal reporting status, should speak with their supervisor or unit commander.

Depending on the circumstances of the winter weather activity, the installation commander may authorize the following:

EARLY RELEASE: Unit commanders and supervisors will release personnel who are designated "non-weather emergency essential" according to the guidelines of the early release notification. All released personnel will need to pick up their children from the Child Development Centers and Youth Center. Commanders are encouraged to stagger their release to avoid congestion while exiting the base.

DELAYED REPORTING: The purpose for delayed reporting during hazardous weather conditions is to allow base personnel additional time for safe travel to the base. Delayed reporting applies to military and civilian personnel. Leave may not be charged. 
There will be instances where there will be delayed reporting, normally up to two hours, to give employees time to report to work. There will also be instances of delayed reporting with a specific time to report, and this is to allow the base time to recover and clean up any snow or other inclement weather incidents. When a specific time is given to report, please do not report earlier than that time. During these situations, certain gates may be affected, so please pay attention to the announcement and plan your arrival accordingly. Work with your supervisor or work center for any other specific reporting requirements.

LIBERAL LEAVE:  "Mission essential personnel" are expected to report for work on time. Employees must always inform their supervisors if they plan to take annual leave or LWOP and their absence must be approved by their supervisor. If an employee fails to report for work and has not informed the supervisor of his or her plans to take leave, the organization may charge the employee absence without leave and the employee could be subjected to administrative action.

CLOSED/MISSION-ESSENTIAL REPORTING: When the base is closed, personnel identified by their commanders as mission essential are to report for duty. Military members not required to report will be placed on telephone standby until further notice. Civilian personnel not required to report will be placed on administrative leave as granted by the installation commander. Only those children of designated mission essential personnel are allowed to be dropped off at the CDCs and Youth Center. During these times, all other base activities are cancelled. 

HILL FIELD ELEMENTARY: Hill Field Elementary is in the Davis School District (http://www.davis.k12.ut.us). If Davis schools are closed, Hill Field Elementary is also closed even if the base is open. If the base is closed but Davis schools are open then Hill Field Elementary is also open.