Air Force ramps up flying ICU teams
When the U.S. military needs to transport critically injured patients by air, it calls on Air Force Critical Care Air Transport Teams. The Air Force is increasing CCATT capabilities to meet the needs of the warfighter.
4/30 2018
Ready today, ready tomorrow - Air Force prepares for the future of medical readiness
The future of warfare is uncertain, and tomorrow’s conflicts may not look like today’s. To prepare for this uncertainty, the Air Force is assessing how it prepares its medical forces to support the warfighter.
4/23 2018
Air Force lab puts medical devices through their paces
“We break stuff,” said Lt. Col. Brandi Ritter, chief of the Air Force Medical Evaluation Support Activity, showing off the facility where her unit tests the devices medical Airmen use to complete their mission.
4/09 2018
Care in the air: Teams deliver patient care in challenging environments
The back of an aircraft is a challenging place to deliver medical care. For Air Force medical crews, treating patients in the air is just part of the job.
3/29 2018
Trusted Care brought order to chaos after Hurricane Maria
Soon after hurricanes struck the Caribbean and southern U.S. in the fall of 2017, Air Force medics deployed to the island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands and brought along their Trusted Care culture to help evacuate patients safely and effectively from the storm ravaged island.
3/22 2018
Air Force Special Operations medics delivered care and rebuilt infrastructure after Caribbean hurricanes
In the wake of the devastation left by Hurricane Irma this September, disaster relief efforts mobilized across the Caribbean as soon as the storm returned to sea. Small teams of Air Force Special Operations medics from the 27th Special Operations Wing were among the first disaster relief teams on the ground, executing a mission for which they are uniquely suited.
11/29 2017