April 25, 2024 Air Force to begin accepting warrant officer applications The Air Force is now accepting applications for Airmen aspiring to become the inaugural cohort of warrant officers in the information technology and cyber career fields.
Feb. 23, 2023 Vice Chief’s Challenge calls Airmen to operationalize Agile Combat Employment The goal of the DAF 2023 Vice Chief's Challenge is to find innovative responses to challenges affecting Agile Combat Employment.
April 5, 2022 Air Force’s new intercontinental ballistic missile system has a name: Sentinel Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall approved the designation for the system that modernizes the ICBM leg of the Nation’s nuclear triad. AFNWC manages the weapon system program.
Sept. 9, 2021 Department of the Air Force releases reports on Racial Disparity Review update, second disparity review The Department of the Air Force released a progress update on the Inspector General Independent Racial Disparity Review and a second disparity review report Sept. 9.