
Senator Garn

Senator E. J. "Jake" Garn, Senator Garn was born in Richfield, Utah, and attended local public schools. He subsequently graduated from the University of Utah and served in the United States Navy as a pilot. He later served in the Utah Air National Guard, logging over 10,000 flying hours and retiring as a Brigadier General. Garn served as a Salt Lake City Commissioner and Mayor, and was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Salt Lake City International Airport Master Plan. Garn served three terms in the United States Senate, working tirelessly for a strong national defense. Senator Garn's actions were instrumental in providing funds for critical military aviation programs. In 1984 he was a crewmember on the 7 day space shuttle flight STS 51-D. In 1992 he was awarded the prestigious Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 070101-F-0000M-008.JPG
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