Holiday greetings from your Hill AFB leadership

  • Published
  • By Maj. Gen. Brent Baker Sr., and Cols. Sarah Zabel, Scott Long and Bryan Radliff
  • Ogden Air Logsitics Complex, 75th Air Base Wing, 388th Fighter Wing and 419th Fighter Wing commander
Once again, the holidays have snuck up on us and our people are preparing for the festivals of the season. Whether you are celebrating here in Utah, visiting your family's home out of state or deployed as one of our warriors defending our great nation in a far off land, we are grateful to be serving beside you.

The holidays bring to mind all of the daily blessings we take for granted all year long. Hill AFB organizations have experienced many changes and challenges over the past year.

Everywhere we turn, we see Airmen turning adversity into advantage, pressing forward and accomplishing the mission. We thank you for your dedication, service and contribution in making Team Hill a great place.

Along with the holidays comes winter weather. Utah has the greatest snow on earth, but it can be hazardous. Remember to be aware and plan all of your travels and events with safety as your first thought. We wish you a happy holiday season and hope the very best for you in the coming new year.