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Team Hill Frontlines: Derek Hill

Team Hill Frontlines: Derek Hill

Team Hill Frontlines: Derek Hill

Editor's Note: The “Team Hill Frontlines" series is a recurring feature that puts the spotlight on some of the civilian and military Airmen on the "frontlines" supporting our mission, people and families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Derek Bell works in the 75th Civil Engineer Group as a housing management specialist. He works in the compliance section, which oversees the privatized housing program at Hill. He is from Layton, Utah, and his hobbies include lifting weights, hiking and traveling with his family.

Derek’s experience working on the COVID-19 frontlines:

"I stepped out of my day-to-day, normal role once Covid hit. I volunteered to go to the unaccompanied housing office due to lack of manpower. Hill was receiving an unprecedented amount of new Airmen to the base because international orders were being canceled and people were rerouted to Hill. We moved out 158 Airmen to make room for incoming members. Keeping the dorms safe and healthy was our number one priority as the Airmen live in close proximity to each other. This meant constant sanitation of all common areas to keep spread to a minimum. We also worked hand in hand with Public Health to move and track all current residents and incoming members who needed to be quarantined.”

Derek, Team Hill thanks you for your service! We appreciate you!