Team Hill Frontlines: Steve Vlaming

  • Published
  • 75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Editor's Note: The “Team Hill Frontlines" series is a recurring feature that puts the spotlight on some of the civilian and military Airmen on the "frontlines" supporting our mission, people and families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Steve Vlaming works in the 75th Civil Engineer Group as an environmental protection specialist. His job entails providing environmental support to units and agencies assigned to Hill AFB, with a primary area of focus on the hazardous waste program. He is from Tinley Park, Illinois, and his hobbies include skiing in the winter and just about anything outside the rest of the year such as golfing, hiking and cycling.

Steve’s experience working on the COVID-19 frontlines:

"This unique time has allowed me to see how important the mission on Hill AFB truly is, aircraft maintenance hasn’t stopped or slowed down any so neither has my job. Tring to handle my day to day responsibilities to help those needing my support from either my phone or computer has been the greatest challenge for me.”

Steve, Team Hill thanks you for your service! We appreciate you!