HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- Military working dogs and their handlers spend almost every day together, working and training, forming a strong bond. Having that bond is important as the handler's voice is the one they listen to and it creates a trust between the two.
Staff Sgt. Paul Bryant, 75th Security Forces Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, said it usually takes around six months for a handler to bond with their military working dog. Bryant and his MWD, Xxuthus, have been working together for that amount of time. However, Bryant feels they bonded a couple months ago when they went on a temporary assigned duty assignment for a presidential visit.
Senior Airman Michelle Winters and her MWD, Joe, have been working together for four months and she said they are starting to form a bond and trust. She said she's learned Joe's personality and quirks, and as they keep training together, the bond strengthens each time.