Air Force Aid Society: Education money available for Hill AFB families

  • Published
  • Airman and Family Readiness Center

HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- Concerned about the soaring cost of higher education for your children or spouse? Maybe the Air Force Aid Society can help.

Last year, the society awarded over $37,000 to Hill Air Force Base families for education. One application opens the door to three education programs.

General Henry H. Arnold Education Grants range from $500 to $4,000 depending on each student’s level of financial need. The society also awards at least ten merit scholarships of $5,000 each to new college students. Finally, they provide no-interest supplemental education loan applications to eligible applicants identified through the grant process.

Merit scholarships and supplemental loans are not restricted by financial need and do not require the student to receive the Arnold Education Grant.

These programs are offered to Air Force dependent children of: Active Duty, Title 10 Reservists on extended active duty, Title 32 Guard performing full-time active duty, retired, retired Reservists with 20 or more qualifying years of service, and deceased Air Force members. Spouses of active duty and Title 10 Reservists on extended active duty and surviving spouses of deceased members are also eligible.

Applicants shouldn’t assume they won’t qualify since rank and income level are not disqualifiers. In fact, the society approved 70% of all applicants and 100% of eligible applicants with verified financial need last year. Most grants went to dependents of more senior officer and enlisted members, as they typically have college-aged children, and to spouses of junior officers and enlisted members.

Apply early and commit to completing all steps toward an award. The online application for academic year 2020-2021 is available now through April 30.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and to access the online application, visit the Air Force Aid Society’s website at or contact the Airman and Family Readiness Center at 801-777-4681.