Hill AFB federal employees nab 2020 Civilian Developmental Education selections

  • Published
  • By Marisa Alia-Novobilski
  • Air Force Materiel Command Public Affairs

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Personnel from Hill Air Force Base were among the more than 735 Air Force Materiel Command civilian Airmen selected for Academic Year 2020 Civilian Developmental Education opportunities.

“We are extremely pleased at the results. The competition for these positions was intense, and the significant increase in AFMC applications this year played a role in our success,” said Patricia Young, AFMC executive director. “The large number of AFMC civilian Airmen selected this year demonstrates the high-caliber of our workforce and their potential for leading our command and the Air Force into the future.”

AFMC experienced a 58% increase in the number of applications for CDE in 2019, with 1,663 applications received across all programs. Applicants represented every major career field nested within the command.

The CDE program is a portfolio of courses and training designed to address the developmental needs of the civilian workforce at all levels. Civilians can acquire associate through advanced college degrees at military and academic institutions, attend military professional education programs such as the Air War College or Squadron Officer School, embark on a fellowship with a think tank or industry, participate in a scientist or engineer exchange program, or grow professionally through a number of other program opportunities.

The overarching goal is to ensure civilians have the opportunity to excel in their current positions and to gain the skills required to succeed as future leaders in the organization.

Thirteen Senior Executive Staff members and two general officers reviewed 280 Air Force applications for 134 spots in Intermediate Developmental Education and Senior Developmental Education boarded programs. They also reviewed applications for the Civilian Strategic Leader Program, which provides three-year experiential assignments for employees outside of their primary functional areas.

Air Force career development teams reviewed applications for non-boarded programs, which include: Civilian Associate Degree Program; Developing Team Leader Course; Education With Industry; Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program; Squadron Officer School; Air Command and Staff College - Online Master's Program; Leading With Impact; Civilian Leadership Course; and Leading Effectively Through Change.

The following is a breakdown of AFMC results for 2020:

  • Non-Boarded Programs: 647 AFMC individuals selected

Boarded Programs:

  • Intermediate Developmental Education: 19 AFMC individuals selected
  • Senior Developmental Education: 57 AFMC individuals selected
  • Civilian Strategic Leader Program: 9 AFMC individuals selected
  • Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program: 3 AFMC individuals selected
  • Individuals were notified of selection and acceptance requirements Oct. 25.

“We are proud of all of our selectees across AFMC,” Young said. “We also encourage those interested in future CDE opportunities to begin prepping their resumes now for the upcoming CDE 2021 application cycle opening in January. The program has something for everyone, and the professional development and personal growth will help you to succeed now and as you grow with the Air Force into the future.”

The program selects from Hill Air Force Base are:


Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy

  • Jamie Marsh and Benjamin Phillips


Enterprise Leadership Seminar

  • Brooke McNally


Air Command and Staff College

  • Valentine Sackmann


Air Command & Staff College Online Master's Program

  • Shannon Allard, Seema Aziz-Hall, Alysha Caldwell, Crystal Chase, Terri Christopher, Christopher Clapier, Michael Clark, Michael Corley, Chase Darlington, Darin Fowers, Ashley Gale, Ronald Hoop, Tony Hyer, Bryce Ito, James Jarrell, Christianna McElheny, Michael McMichael, Tyler Olsen, James Pevey, Peter Schaffer, Brenton Schrock, Barry Swank , Nicholas Swerdon, Crystal Toupin, Jennifer Tromble, Randy Titus and Jacob Wilde

Civilian Associates Degree Program

  • Aidan Arteaga, Nicole Campbell, Lori Chapman, Faumui Kitiona, Garrett Kippen, Niki Martinez, Jeremy McLean, Camee Proctor, Brandi Sandry, Nathan Twitchell and Patrick Williams

Squadron Officer School

  • Samuel Crapps II, Joel Diaz, Zachary Gleason, Jimmy Harmon and Joshua Nichols

Civilian Leadership Course

  • John Huber

Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program

  • Daniel Anderson, Michaela Braley, Beth Dunlap, Chelsey Oettinger, Miles Rennic, Kirsten Rivera and Christian Roberts

Developing Team Leader Course

  • Anna Bassett, Andrea Bean, Heather Dauel, Jeffrey Fason, Michael Hensley, Jed Noorda, Eric Peasah, Daniel Rusch and Bronson Stephens

Leading with Impact

  • Steven Kas, Jessica Lewis, David Parker, John Rimington, Jordan Robinson, Christopher Thomas, Derek Udager and Wesley Whittington

Leading Effectively Through Change

  • Trevor Braswell, James Delaney, Alan Dorward, Stephanie Gisseman, Chad Hogan, Sherriah Scott, David Shaw, Seth Smith and Jeffrey Valentin


Air Command & Staff College Online Master’s Program

  • Kenneth Kowalczyk, Toby Parlet, Jordan Peart and Dana Walton

Civilian Associates Degree Program

  • Chelsey Layton

Leading With Impact

  • Matthew Lindley


Education with Industry

  • Sean McKenzie

(75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs contributed to this article.)