Military Retiree Appreciation Day set for Sept. 22 Published Sept. 12, 2017 75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- A Military Retiree Appreciation Day will be held Sept. 22 at Hill Air Force Base. Registration, which is free and open to retirees and their families from all branches of the Armed Forces, begins at 7:30 a.m. at The Landing, with the day’s events beginning at 8 a.m. The annual occasion provides Hill AFB, local and national agencies the opportunity to voice their gratitude for the dedicated service of the tristate area’s 22,000-strong military retiree population, and will provide information regarding current benefits and entitlements. Retired Air Force Chief Master Sgt. James Lokovick, Legislative Trustee for the Air Force Sergeants Association, will be this year’s keynote speaker. Other presentations will include the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, United Health Care and Veterans, George Wahlen Veterans Home, Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, Fisher House, AAFES, Commissary, Health and Wellness Center and Utah’s Department of Veterans Affairs just to a name a few. Additionally, information booths from 40 federal, state and local organizations will be available at this year’s event. The Davis County Health Department will also offer no out of pocket cost/insurance billed influence, pneumonia and shingles/zoster vaccinations. Drawings for prizes donated by the various agencies in attendance will take place throughout the day. About 1,000 retirees are expected to participate. The event is scheduled to run until 2 p.m. For a full schedule and to acquire additional information about the event, contact the Hill AFB Retiree’s Activities Office at 801-777-5735 or email at