Hill AFB welcomes new Ogden ALC commander

  • Published
  • 75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
Brig. Gen. Stacey Hawkins became the new Ogden Air Logistics Complex commander at Hill AFB during a change of command ceremony here, Aug. 31.

As commander of the Ogden ALC, Hawkins will lead a team of approximately 8,100 personnel who perform depot repair, overhaul, and modification of A-10, C-130, F-16, F-22, F-35 and T-38 aircraft, the Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile system, and a wide range of commodities. These include landing gear, wheels and brakes, rocket motors, air munitions and guided bombs, photonics equipment, training devices, software, electronics, avionics, instruments, hydraulics, power systems and other aerospace components.

In his remarks, Hawkins welcomed the challenge of his new leadership assignment.

“I promise to devote all of my energies toward sustaining an environment where all of our Airmen—civilian and military—can reach their full potential,” he said. “We’re going to drive to achieve production outcomes toward ‘Art of the Possible’ results in support of our nation’s warfighters. We will have many challenges to face together in the future and I’m committed to giving my all to create the right leadership culture for our organization.”

Hawkins said he and his family are thrilled “to become a part of this great military community, where patriotism, family values and an industrious spirit converge to deliver freedom and security for our nation.”

He continued, “I’m also excited to be a part of about 50 mission partners on this installation, and we all combine to pack a powerful punch to keep America strong. I’m thrilled to lock arm in arm with everyone on this installation to build on the momentum of those who have gone before us.”

Hawkins is a 26-year Air Force veteran and is coming from Scott AFB, Illinois, where he has served as director of logistics, engineering and force protection for Air Mobility Command since May 2015.

As director, he was responsible for leadership, management, and integration of total-force logistics, engineering, and force protection activities across the global mobility air forces enterprise.

During the ceremony, Team Hill also bid farewell to Brig. Gen. Steven Bleymaier who served as the Ogden ALC commander since Aug. 2015. Bleymaier is moving to Scott AFB to take Hawkins’ place as director of logistics, engineering and force protection for Air Mobility Command.