Technical Orders and Engineering Drawings

Technical Order Public Sales

  1. The Public Sales Office at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, is the centralized source for the release of Technical Orders (TOs) authorized to defense industry partners for ALL Tinker, Robins, & Hill AFB requests.  Send all requests to
  1. Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 5230.25 provides policy/direction for requested technical data.
  1. Requests for TOs that support a SOLICITATION for a US DoD or US Government contract SHALL BE SUBMITTED to the announcing contracting office.
  1. Requests for TOs to support an existing US DoD or US Government contract require submittal of an AFTO Form 43 to the Tinker TO Policy and Oversight Office E-mail address per AFTO 43, block 2 instructions.
  1. TO 00-5-19 provides guidance for requests to support a Non-USAF Managed Foreign Military Sales contracts.
  1. Send all TO requests that support the Parts Repair Ordering Systems (PROS) to the PROS Contract POC (PROS IV Quality at and include 6a-6b information below.  
  1. TO requests supporting an UNSOLICITED BID or REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) or PUBLIC SALES REQUESTS in accordance with DoDI 5230.25 are the most common data requests and must include ALL information below:

      a. A current, signed and certified copy of your DD Form 2345

b. Request on company letterhead, signed by company president with the following:

  • Current date
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Point of contact
  • Detailed background information about your company or organization
  • Clear reason or justification for the request
  • Clear description of the specific intended use of the data
  • Complete list of TO Numbers   **part numbers and NSN’s are not acceptable**
  1. There is a fee of $65.00 for each approved TO.  Shipping costs, $0.12 per page for paper TO’s, and $1.00 per CD will be added for physical media as required.
  1. Please allow 30 calendar days before requesting status of your request.

Thank you for your interest and support to help us provide technical data support to our country's warfighters and our foreign country partners.

Contact the TO Public Sales Office for more information at:


Phone:  Comm: (405) 736-3868/3197 or DSN: 336-3868/3197                            

(Current as of April 2021)