75th CEG Cultural Resources

Hill AFB Cultural Resources Program Mission Statement

The Cultural Resources Program at Hill Air Force Base (Hill AFB) protects our cultural heritage for future generations through the identification, evaluation and preservation of cultural resources while simultaneously providing mission critical support to the Air Force and the Department of Defense.

The Program is responsible for compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and other national, state and local cultural resources laws and regulations.

The Program at Hill AFB is committed to informing the public about the significance of cultural resources on base property through public outreach and education efforts including this web site.

The Air Force as a Steward of Cultural Resources

From Hobson House and the historic railroad shop on Hill AFB to archaeological sites on the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR), the Cultural Resources Program at Hill AFB manages resources on nearly one million acres of land in locations that span three states, including Utah, Wyoming and Nevada.

The Air Force has a dual mission of maintaining national defense while protecting historic buildings, archaeological sites, artifacts and other resources that are important to our national heritage as required by federal law.

The vast majority of land managed by Hill AFB is located on the UTTR, an area that is not only critical to the mission of national defense, but is also rich in resources. These include many archaeological sites that are eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

The management policies and practices implemented by the Cultural Resources Program are a direct outgrowth of the requirements set forth in a range of national laws and regulations. These requirements dictate why, how and when cultural resources are to be protected.