The Restoration Advisory Board, or RAB, is an integral part of Hill's community outreach efforts. This group of citizens represents all the communities affected by contamination from Hill AFB, and includes a number of other interested organizations. The RAB’s primary purpose is to provide advice to the Air Force regarding its Environmental Restoration Program both on and off base. More...

The RAB is made up of 26 members representing communities, governments and other stakeholders who share a common goal: To ensure the contamination at Hill AFB is cleaned up in a timely and responsible manner. Click here to learn more about who is represented on the RAB. 

 RAB Member List

The Restoration Advisory Board was formed in 1995 under the direction of the Department of Defense, which required military installations to form RABs where sufficient community interest merited it. The RAB is governed by a Mission Statement and Operating Procedures, written by the RAB, which sets forth the purpose of the RAB and the rules by which it operates. More...

26 October 2017
6:30 p.m.
Sunset City Offices

 RAB Meeting
Expand List item 749Collapse List item 749  New Community Representatives sought for Clinton and Roy
The Hill AFB RAB is looking for new community representatives for the cities of Clinton and Roy. Anyone wishing to be considered for either of these positions should fill out and return the application found here. Applications are also available at the Clinton and Roy city offices. Applications should be sent by October 16, 2017. The RAB will select the representatives at the Oct. 26 RAB meeting. Information on this meeting is below.
Expand List item 634Collapse List item 634  Next RAB Meeting: Oct. 26, 2017
The next meeting of the Hill AFB Restoration Advisory Board will be held Oct. 26, 2017 at the Sunset City Offices, 200 W 1300 N in Sunset. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. An agenda for the meeting will be posted when it becomes available. RAB meetings are open to the public.