"Minuteman I" ICBM Transporter
Published January 29, 2007
Boeing LGM-30A "Minuteman I" ICBM Transporter-Erector-Loader (TEL)
A unique vehicle, the Boeing Transporter/Erector Loader semitrailer, was used to transport the Minuteman I missile and emplace/remove it at the launch facility. The container was sixty-five feet long, ten feet wide, thirteen feet tall, and contained 8,030 cubic feet of interior space.
It weighed 24,700 pounds when empty and cost just under $700,000. It was environmentally controlled by the tractor when on the road and by the onboard air conditioner when stored. Power to operate the trailer when emplacing/removing the missile also came from the tractor.
This particular Transporter/Erector Semitrailer was pulled by a specially-designed 1963 GMC tractor. The container could also be used (without the tractor) to transport the missile by rail.